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Le GDR3692 organise
Webinar : "DNA et al. in paleoenvironments"
Thursday April 8th, 2 to 5 pm
Organizers : Christine Paillard (CNRS - UMR LEMAR, IUEM Plouzané) and Isabelle Domaizon (INRAE - UMR CARRTEL - Thonon les bains)
Link for online registration: https://forms.gle/Gk3FjSz2ut77HAoJ9
Context: Recent developments in genomics offer new opportunities to interrogate past ecosystems to characterize and understand changes that occurred over long-time periods, particularly those related to human activities.
Objectives: To accompany this rise in genomics of past ecosystems, the GDR Génomique Environnementale (French network in environmental genomics) organizes a webinar entitled DNA et al. in paleoenvironments, with the following objectives: 1) to raise awareness of advances in this field among researchers working in environmental genomics as well as paleosciences, 2) to bring together communities of ecologists, paleontologists and genomicists, and 3) to develop initiatives in genomics of past ecosystems.
Program: The program includes three presentations illustrating the interest of combining DNA-based methods with other proxies in paleoenvironmental studies. These talks will be followed by workshops designed to foster interactions and connections between participants; to discuss about the recent advances in paleogenomics; to bring together different scientific communities and expertises; to incite the emergence of collaborative and interdisciplinary initiatives.
Isabelle Domaizon: INRAE - UMR CARRTEL - Thonon les bains
& Charline Giguet-Covex : CNRS - UMR EDYTEM - Le Bourget du Lac
DNA-based methods in paleolimnology : new opportunities for investigating long-term dynamics of aquatic and terrestrial environments
Morgane Ollivier : Université de Rennes1-UMR ECOBIO - Rennes
Exploring environments with poor aDNA conservation : new palaeogenomic approach based on targeted capture sequencing
Aurélie Penaud : Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer – UMR LGO, Plouzané
& Raffaele Siano : Ifremer - ODE/DYNECO/Pelagos, Plouzané
Sediment archives reveal shifts in plankton and palynological communities after World War II and agricultural pollution
Round-table: DNA and other proxies for studying paleo-environments
Christine Paillard and Isabelle Domaizon
Conclusions of round-tables by Christine Paillard: